Gifts under $100

  • Trinidad

Gifts under $100

Catch a vibe and give a thoughtfully handcrafted gift full of Caribbean flavor.
8 products
Doh Say Dat KIDS! Card Game - Caribshopper
Doh Say Dat KIDS! Card Game - Caribshopper
Doh Say Dat KIDS! Card Game
$93.97 USD
Indulgences by Faith Pearls & Rievon Necklace - Caribshopper
Indulgences by Faith Pearls & Rievon Necklace
$86.97 USD
Windy's Fashion Calabash and The Mahogany Seed Meet Set - Caribshopper
Windy's Fashion Calabash and The Mahogany Seed Meet Set - Caribshopper
Windy's Fashion Calabash and The Mahogany Seed Meet Set
$76.97 USD
CW Artisinal Jewellery Rose Quartz Glass Set - Caribshopper
CW Artisinal Jewellery Rose Quartz Glass Set - Caribshopper
CW Artisinal Jewellery Rose Quartz Glass Set
$72.47 USD
Theophilus Designs “It’s The Melanin For Me” T-shirt - Caribshopper
Theophilus Designs “It’s The Melanin For Me” T-shirt
$67.47 USD
Levi Marcus Nation TT Red Hoodies - Caribshopper
Levi Marcus Nation TT Red Hoodies
$66.97 USD
Humble Bunny Rose Quartz Blush Crystals Pendant Pieces Throws /Lariat Type Necklaces - Caribshopper
Humble Bunny Rose Quartz Blush Crystals Pendant Pieces Throws /Lariat Type Necklaces - Caribshopper
Humble Bunny Rose Quartz Blush Crystals Pendant Pieces Throws /Lari...
$64.97 USD
Naparima The Multi‑Cultural Cuisine of Trinidad & Tobago and the Caribbean Cookbook - Caribshopper
Naparima The Multi‑Cultural Cuisine of Trinidad & Tobago and the Caribbean Cookbook - Caribshopper
Naparima The Multi‑Cultural Cuisine of Trinidad & Tobago and the Ca...
from $45.97 USD